Cancellation and Refund Policy Cancellation and Refund Policy
No refunds will be applied under any circumstances other than those indicated.
Deposits due to error, deposits due to confusion, deposits due to lack of reading, the site disclaims any responsibility, which is why the previous and subsequent paragraphs are indicated.
Refunds DO NOT apply for any other reason.
Any refund stipulated for the following faults will be rejected immediately:
Lack of reading and not knowing our service.
Confuse our service with a visa.
Mistaking our service for a secure visa.
Failure to read any term and condition.
Require reimbursement emphatically for not knowing that we are a paperwork service.
Deposit due to confusion / withdrawal / error / ignorance that you are hiring a processing service.
“Among other causes and reasons that the client could promote”
The only applicable form of a refund is stipulated as follows:
The applicant may request only and exclusively the reimbursement of his money in the event that has not started the process during the 15 business days after the date on which the applicant sent his Simplified Application. Visa.
(Explanation: If you sent a Visa Simplified Application and 15 days have passed since then without a response, you can apply for the refund immediately).
To make the foregoing effective, the applicant will have to make the request through the email, in which he will indicate the date on which he sent his correctly answered form, and he will have to show as proof said email and the date to day you are requesting it, which must coincide with the 15 business days that have elapsed.
It is important to clarify that in order to make the request for reimbursement, no more than 35 days should have elapsed after the payment was made, no type of reimbursement will be made unless it is for the sole reason described in the previous paragraph, “ IMPORTANT” the service can be canceled at the time the applicant requests it by mail, making it clear that the cancellation request is not a refund and therefore no money will be refunded.
For more questions about the terms and conditions or return policies, contact the email: